The story so far...

Cheers so much for taking the time to read about lil ol me 🙆

I'm Charlotte, a 2nd year student midwife at University of the West of Scotland originally from Newcastle. I stumbled my way into Scotland for my training in September 2016, after spending my first month in a motorhome on Strathcylde Park I somehow managed to survive until second year! I live with my rabbit, Hinny, those of you who are familiar with Catherine Cookson will understand and she's also a Geordie and my absolute world.

I'm starting this blog for my elective, my university haven't really had loads of students go for an elective and I think the ones who did went to weird, wonderful and exotic places. I'm going home, a poor (aren't we all?) student who wanted to experience something different so i'm moving back in with my mum for 4 weeks!

My elective is in 4 parts, i'm spending a week with the fantastic independent midwives, Yorkshire Storks, hopefully seeing how true continuity of carer can be achieved and more about the political turbulences they've faced.
My second and third weeks will be spent in Newcastle at the Royal Victoria Infirmary in the Newcastle Birthing Centre (NBC) and then a week in delivery suite.
The fourth week i'll be going back to Yorkshire Storks, hopefully getting to see more of the continuity for myself and the same clients!

Up till now, i've only ever been on labour ward and haven't really experienced a true 'low-risk' midwifery setting where birth is seen as normal physiological event, rather than something diagnosed retrospectively so I think thats what i'm most excited in seeing. I'm also interested in the differences in trust policies between two trusts/health boards over 160 miles apart and hope during my time with yorkshire storks be able to critically examine the evidence for these policies. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing case holding though, with the new Scottish Best Start overhaul, known colloquially as 'the 5 year plan' to see what my future career could look like in Scotland and what tips can I pick up to help myself later on, but also to champion this on the shop floor with real life experience to bring to the table without being fobbed off.

I'm hoping to blog everyday about what i've been up to, even if the blog isn't updated daily!

I hope you enjoy reading 🙋

Charlotte x


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